Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Strangest Genius Harry Clarke

Have a look at the new Harry Clarke book launched last week in the Harry Clarke room in Bewelys Oriental Cafe in Dublin by Sunniva Clarke Sheridan,Harry's grandaughter and the authors Lucy Costigan and Michael Cullen.Published by The History Press Ireland. A real gem..Get your own copy!! Also check out www.harryclarke.net , going live at the end of the month


  1. Harry Clarke.net will be fully launched on RTE's (Irish Television) Nationwide in October 2010, Thanks for your nice words on the book.

    Michael Cullen

  2. Strangest Genius: Nominated for ' Best Published Irish book of the year' You can vote for the book here http://www.irishbookawards.ie/ViewBook.aspx?book=269634

    Thanks for your support on this book, and helping the art of Stained Glass.


  3. There are little wonders up and down this site - there's something strangely aluring about stained glass. I find this Harry Clark window particulary striking - it's a bit preraphelite (which is a good way to catch my attention) and a bit something else I can't identify - maybe a little Irishness.
